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POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 22 December, 2017
How To Stand Out From The Crowd With Your Hair & Beauty Salon
Standing Out As Salon With An Effective Website In a crowded market packed with stiff competition, you need your hair and beauty salon to jump out and shout: book your treatment here! But how can you stand out from the crowd? Here are four places to start.
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 15 December, 2017
Getting Non-Local Customers To Your Salon
How Salons Can Grow Their Customer Base Online Beyond Their Local Community You might have bagged your trusty regulars' business for life, but is your salon cashing in on the lucrative non-local customer? Loyal customers in your locality are the bread and butter of salon business, but to stay growing and successful, you need to tap into the off-peak, once-off and non-local customer base as well.
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 12 December, 2017
How Website Visitors Become Salon VISITORS
Salon Customer's Online To Real World Offline Thousands of likes on Facebook? Check. Slick new web offering? Check. Great conversion rate to real life customers from your online community? Ehhh... If you haven't yet mastered the art of turning clicks into bookings, here are four ways you can start turning your website visitors into salon visitors. (If you still don’t have a website for your hair and beauty salon or your stylist business, check this out).
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 8 December, 2017
The Fast And Affordable Alternative To A Costly Salon Website
Costing a Salon Website Effectively It's the one business decision you know is essential but have been putting off for some time: you need a salon website and you need it now. If lack of time, high costs and spurious technical know-how has had you burying your head in the sand over getting your hair and beauty salon online, there is a solution out there to help. You've managed to get by without a dedicated website for this long, but your Facebook page only does so much, and the rise of the millennial spend and an increasing trend for home treatments over salon services means that not being online is a death knell for the local salon.
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 5 December, 2017
5 Reasons Salons Don’t Have a Website (And How To Fix That Problem)
A Salon Guide To A Web Presence Today’s consumers are going online to find the information they need, and it’s no different when it comes to hair and beauty salons. The days of flicking through a directory are over, as people want to find the right salon for them quickly and easily, on their laptop at home or on their lunch break, or on their mobile while out and about. That means it is vital for your salon to have a strong online presence, to be listed as a business that can cater for a potential client’s needs, and to be found in those online searches the modern consumer makes.
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