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POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 18 January, 2019
Learn 5 benefits of creating a low-cost website for your Salon.
Did you know that 85% of consumers use the internet to find a local business?
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 27 February, 2018
Why Facebook’s Recent Changes Make Having a Salon Website Even More Important
What Salon Owners Need To Know About Facebook's Algorithm Change If your hair and beauty salon in Ireland relies on a Facebook business page for its online presence, you may have looked on with concern at the news that the social media giant has changed how its newsfeed will work. And with good cause. Posts from businesses will no longer enjoy the prominence they previously had, meaning they are less likely to be seen, and your salon is less likely to be found by online visitors. Here, we outline how these changes can affect your business, and what you can do about it. (Spoiler alert: You should focus on getting a dedicated website for your salon, but we will get to that).
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 2 January, 2018
The Limitations of Social Media For Your Salon Business
What To Do When Social Media Isn't Cutting It For Salons Any Longer Are you relying on social media platforms to manage all of your online messaging and to attract customers? If so, we have some bad news for you: it's not enough. Here's why your ‘social media only’ strategy is bad for business.
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 28 November, 2017
5 Ways To Optimise Your Salon’s Facebook Page (But Why Websites Are Better)
Social Media Versus An Online Presence - A Salon Owners Guide Getting your salon online is not only smart business, it's essential if you want to compete in today's marketplace. If you are still working off a simple Facebook page as your only online presence, here are some tips to make that page work harder for you (as well as very good reasons to move up to your own website).
POSTED BY Digital Salon Group | 15 November, 2017
The Top 5 Reasons A Website Is Better Than a Facebook Page For Your Salon
Busting Salon Website Myths So you think your Facebook page is doing the job of a website? Wrong! Here are five reasons why having your own website is a whole lot better for your salon business.

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