Attract | Retain | Grow Your Salon with Technology

5 Reasons Salons Don’t Have a Website (And How To Fix That Problem)

Written by Digital Salon Group | Dec 5, 2017 10:30:00 AM

A Salon Guide To A Web Presence

Today’s consumers are going online to find the information they need, and it’s no different when it comes to hair and beauty salons. The days of flicking through a directory are over, as people want to
find the right salon for them quickly and easily, on their laptop at home or on their lunch break, or on their mobile while out and about. That means it is vital for your salon to have a strong online presence, to be listed as a business that can cater for a potential client’s needs, and to be found in those online searches the modern consumer makes.

And yet, many salons still don’t have a website, and are at best relying on having a social media business page to bring in clients. There are several reasons why this is the case, and many reasons why this approach needs to change, and we look at some of them below.

  1. COST

You want a website, you need a website, but cash flow every month is tight and the funds just aren't there yet to get one up and running.


Without an online presence, you're losing out on crucial new business that would actually improve your cash flow! On top of that, creating and maintaining a website doesn’t have to cost the Earth if you pick the right people to do it for you.

  1. TIME

You're an owner-manager and there are only so many hours in a day. Looking after your clients on a one-to-one basis is your first priority, then there's the staffing, accounts, retail... who has time to think about their web strategy?


No online presence, no new customers, no need for all that book-balancing and all those extra staff members! And besides, who says you have to do any of that time-consuming website strategy stuff? You can let the website designers do that!


See above! You're savvy enough to know that your online strategy can't stay stagnant for long and hate nothing more yourself than outdated websites from other businesses. Surely no presence is better than a bad one?


A head in the sand approach to an inevitable change in your industry: every salon needs an online presence in order to be found by potential clients looking for a hair, nail or beauty treatment, or to find the perfect stylist for a personalised treatment or even for big events such as weddings.


Your skills and strengths are many, but HTML, coding and all that tech stuff aren't among them. You don't know what's involved, but you're pretty sure you couldn't run your own website. Could you?


To assume makes an ass of u and me! Even those with the most basic computer skills can find a web product that suits their needs and anything you can't do yourself, can always be outsourced to a company who can do it all for you.


It's there, it's free(ish) and I can get all my information on my Facebook page. Why would I need my own, costly website?


Facebook is a great marketing tool, but it should be driving traffic directly to your own website that carries your identity, ranks high in search engines such as Google, and is totally on point for your brand.


Find a solution that means you get to enjoy an online presence but don't have to endure the expense and time involved in starting a website from scratch. Someone else can design it, manage the technical stuff, as well as prompt all the pro-active marketing you need to keep it alive.

You'll have your own web presence, which will rank you ahead of your competitors who rely on social media alone, and you don't need to worry about any interruption to your day-to-day routine during set-up or beyond. Sound easy? That's because it is.

Digital Salon Group provides affordable, hassle-free web solutions for salons with ongoing support from just €25 per month. We provide you with a high quality, mobile responsive website that is fully maintained, as well as marketing tips for your online strategy, so you get to concentrate on running your business. Audit Your Web Presence FREE to uncover your online gaps and devise a step-by-step plan to drive more customer bookings to your salon.